Declare WAR and lose belly fat fast! (Your 3 key weapons to fight your 2 main enemies)

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War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing … unless you want to destroy that stubborn belly fat! If you want to lose belly fat fast, then you must have a battle plan and the right weapons to wipe out this pesky fat that seems so difficult to shed. If you want to know who your main enemies are and the 3 key weapons that will destroy them, join me in the situation room and let’s draw up a battle plan!

Alright, to lose that stubborn belly fat (and of course help you lose total body fat and lose weight too), you first need to know your 2 main enemies.

Your 2 main enemies are food cravings and hunger! Why is that? Well think about it: if you had no food cravings and no hunger pangs and were able to eat meals in reasonable portions, then …

Now, the most important thing to always keep in mind at all times when dieting is that you can’t fight food cravings and hunger pangs head-on. That’s like going into battle without a weapon or blindfolded! When you try to fight hunger pangs and cravings head-on, what ends up happening is that you will deprive yourself (and that’s never a good thing) and secondly, you’ll increase the likelihood of giving in and giving up everything. together!

Well now is the time to arm yourself and prepare for a battle that you are sure to win.

To win this war so you can lose belly fat, total body fat, and drop those pounds, your 3 key weapons are:


This powerful weapon should be used every morning … NO FAILURE … if you want to get amazing results and fight hunger and cravings! Sunrise is a good, hearty breakfast! If you eat a good breakfast every morning, you are less likely to have cravings and hunger pangs later in the day.

An ideal breakfast will include a lot of protein (like eggs or Greek yogurt), a moderate amount of fiber (like an apple or oatmeal), and vitamins / minerals (like a small amount of fruit).

The raw dog

Your next weapon in your arsenal to successfully beat cravings and hunger is to eat raw veggies … all day long! Raw vegetables (like celery, cucumbers, and carrots, for example) are high in water content, low in calories, high in fiber, and quick and easy. If you eat them throughout the day, you will feel quite satisfied throughout the day.

The liquid role-playing game

The final weapon is the coup de grace! Dawn and Raw Dog are VERY important weapons in your arsenal, but this last weapon, if used correctly, will be the final blow and will definitely help you fight those 2 main enemies without fail. This weapon is the liquid RPG … better known as WATER! If you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of fresh water CONSISTENTLY throughout the day, you will no doubt encounter fewer and fewer bad food cravings, and your hunger pangs will certainly go away!

Simply put, DO NOT try to fight hunger cravings and pains by simply ignoring that piece of cheesecake you crave or just acting like your stomach isn’t screaming at you right now. Arm yourself with those 3 proven weapons above and you’ll find yourself with a flatter stomach, slimmer waist, and a body you’ve always wanted … in no time!

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