Change core beliefs with EFT

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A person’s core beliefs affect all areas of life, from relationships to finances to health. If a person has self-sabotaging core beliefs, life feels like a struggle and problems can seem impossible to overcome. If a person has supporting core beliefs, life flows smoothly and easily. The problems exist, but they do not seem so difficult to solve.

So what is a fundamental belief? A core belief usually begins with the words “I am”, so “I am attractive” or “I am ugly” is a core belief. These beliefs are usually formed between the ages of 1 and 7 as we interact with the world around us.


At that time in our lives, we are like a sponge and take everything that happens to us as if it were the truth. We don’t have the ability to rationalize what we hear or how we are treated, so we form beliefs about ourselves that match what we see reflected in the world around us.


If we were in an environment that provided a supportive reflection of ourselves, we formed supportive core beliefs, such as “I am smart” or “I am competent.” If we were in an environment where we received messages that we were “bad,” “ugly,” or “not good enough,” we adopted those as our core beliefs.


As a result, we carry these beliefs about ourselves throughout our lives without realizing it unless we discover them and make a conscious effort to change them. But how does a person change self-sabotaging beliefs that he doesn’t even know he has?


One way to discover them is to listen to your own dialogue. What do you say to yourself? Are you your biggest fan or are you your biggest critic? Do you treat yourself with respect and kindness, or with harshness and ridicule? What are the words you use when you talk to yourself?


If you use terms like “loser,” “incompetent,” and “stupid,” these are core beliefs that get in your way. They sabotage your efforts to move forward in your life or to try new projects. They make it hard to believe that you can be successful, which is why you often don’t succeed to the level that you are capable of achieving.


If you use terms like “winner,” “competent,” and “smart,” these core beliefs support and even propel you as you try to move forward. The faith that you have in yourself makes you believe that you can achieve anything and, consequently, you do it.


So how can a person change self-sabotaging core beliefs?


One very effective method is the Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT. This technique is similar to acupuncture, but instead of using needles, the fingertips are used to touch the energy meridians. This tapping releases the blocked energy. By releasing that energy, the self-sabotaging ideas and beliefs that caused the blocked energy are also released.


Core beliefs are formed at a young age, but the good news is that a core belief that is holding you back can be changed. EFT is an effective tool to bring about that change.

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