Business Driving Etiquette – Tips for Good Business Manners on the Road

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When you travel for business, everything you do reflects on the company and on you, so you must maintain a high level of professionalism and not behave in a way that tarnishes the image of your company or yourself. As an example, a fellow traveler’s driving could be construed as a power grab, a deliberate attempt to undermine the driver. Another example: You will appear to be out of control if you show frustration during traffic jams or if you get angry at the poor driving skills of others. Never lose your temper or start using. If you do, you’ll come across as a person who buckles under pressure. When you are one of several passengers in a car, ask the driver where you should sit, especially if yours is a junior seat.

The car owner drives unless he asks someone else to take responsibility. If a business travel companion offers to drive your car and you prefer not to, or want to use the time for a business task, hand over the keys and thank your travel companion. If not, please kindly decline citing a reason, such as company policy restrictions.

On business trips, good manners do not require a man to open the car door for a woman. If he chooses to do so, he opens the door on the curb side before going around the car to get inside. The woman smiles and says “Thank you.” In a group situation, he gives the woman the seat of honor, on the rear passenger side. If two men and two women are traveling together and they are all of the same rank, it might be considered condescending for the women to sit in the back and the men in the front. A better scenario would be to mix the two genres for the sake of general conversation.

rules of the road

  • Refrain from smoking in someone else’s car and from smoking in your own car when driving with others.
  • Show consideration when parking. Do not occupy two spaces or park at an angle, thus making it difficult for the driver who parks next to you to maneuver. Do not block the entrances and entrances. Do not park in a space reserved for the disabled.
  • Observe the rules of safe driving. Do not make cell phone calls or send text messages while driving. Respect the speed limits, as well as signaling/lane change courtesies.
  • If you are old enough to drive, you are old enough to behave in a civil manner behind the wheel. Hitting the horn, making rude gestures, and interrupting people indicates immaturity and a lack of self-control.
  • Return a borrowed car at the exact time promised. Return the car washed and rubbish free with a full tank of gas. Follow up with a thank you note.
  • If you hit a vacant parked car, leave a note on the windshield with your name and phone number, so you or your insurance company can cover the costs. Doing the right thing when no one is looking is a matter of character.

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