Build your osteopathy practice by choosing a target market to work with

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One of the best ways to start developing your osteopathy practice is to start targeting a particular target market. What do we understand by target market? Well, your target market is the group of people you want to work with the most. In general, we are all drawn to working with a particular type of person. Some of us like to work with athletes, others with children, and others with our more mature citizens.

So what group of people are you drawn to working with? Also ask yourself what kinds of people you work best with. What kind of person really “gets” what you do?

This is the first stage in defining your target market. But why is this so important?

Well, for starters, by targeting a smaller group of people, your marketing becomes much more specific. You can start creating very specific messages that respond to the wishes of your target market.

To put it more simply, imagine your target market is office workers. By focusing on the wants and needs of office workers, your message becomes more specific. For example, you know that office workers have aches and pains when sitting behind a desk, many of them don’t like the fact that they have sedentary jobs, and many would like to know how they can avoid getting pain in the first place.

These are the wants and needs of your chosen target market and you can begin to address these issues. For starters, you could talk about the problems that arise from working at desks all day, you could talk about how beneficial stretching can be at your desks, and you could show them some case histories of patients with similar problems that you have successfully treated.

So you can see that choosing a target market makes it much easier to market your services. It also means that you can work with people you enjoy treating and who enjoy being treated by you on a daily basis. This, in turn, means that you enjoy your daily work even more, which means that you are happier and more productive. How does that sound for the perfect work situation?

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