Body dysmorphic disorder and omega-3 fatty acids

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Very few of us are satisfied with our appearance. Plastic surgery, permanent eyeliner, liposuction, and a host of other cosmetic procedures make insecure people feel more comfortable in their own bodies. But the millions of adults who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) do not have these normal concerns about their appearance. Instead, their minds are so consumed by thoughts of perceived ugliness that they can go so far as to put their lives on hold. They avoid social occasions and work out of fear of being ridiculed or offending others with their appearance. Adults with BDD constantly seek affirmation from friends and family, not realizing that the problem lies with the perception of their own bodies and not with the body itself.

Adults with BDD often insist that plastic surgery will eliminate their anxieties and make them feel less self-conscious about their bodies. However, such procedures only provide temporary relief. After a few weeks of peace, you will find something “wrong” in your body that needs correction. It is not uncommon for these patients to have undergone more than 20 cosmetic procedures.

There is no treatment for BDD per se, but experts find that this disorder is often comorbid with mental conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, or anxiety. Since these disorders are generally caused by low serotonin levels, their treatments apply to BDD as well. In some cases, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Zoloft (sertraline) or Prozac (fluoxetine) reduce the severity of symptoms, especially when combined with psychotherapy. However, the doses required for BDD are significantly higher than those used to treat depression, increasing the risk of side effects.

Another way to raise serotonin levels is to eat more oily fish, which is rich in EPA omega-3 fatty acids. Current studies confirmed that pure EPA from fish oil is as effective as Prozac in terms of increasing serotonin, making it a powerful treatment for body dysmorphic disorder without the side effects of the drug.

Treating body image problems can be more effective and efficient when the patient uses EPA-only omega-3 supplements every day for a period of 3 months. The daily dose should be around 4,000 mg, but it can be reduced if improvements are observed. Vegetarians can still receive the healing benefits of omega-3 fats when they take supplements containing evening primrose oil and echium oil, plant sources of this important nutrient.

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