Become an expert and get free publicity by writing articles

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Have you ever read an article that cited a colleague as an expert on a subject in which you specialize? You wondered why the editors didn’t interview you for the article. The reason some people are considered experts is because they know the importance of free advertising. They have made connections with publishers and publishers by submitting press releases or writing articles. To generate more excitement for your business by appearing in the media. This will give you credibility and can establish you as an expert in your field. And it’s free.

Determine what your goals are and write them down in detail or in a simple list. Decide who you want to attract. Your audience could be peers or potential customers. Then set your goals and develop a strategy for moving forward. Find out what they read, what they watch or listen to, and then target those outlets.

Find something newsworthy to report on. This is easy in the legal field because so much happens every day. You can send out a press release whenever something new happens in your practice, such as a special event, grand opening, new hire, recent case win, or new service offering.

Sometimes there might not be anything worth reporting, so that’s when you make it up. Create media exposure, that is. You can write an article offering advice or tips for the local newspaper or trade magazine about what you know. Publishers like to give their readers freebies, so you might offer a free brochure about current law changes in immigration, tax, or whatever your specialization is. The same article can be used in your marketing brochures and on your website, copyright permitting.

When you regularly create newsworthy information about your business, you’ll be ahead of your competition. Soon, you’ll be cited in the media as an expert, and your office will be inundated with inquiries and new business opportunities.

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