Baking soda, miracle product for nicotine withdrawal

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There are more ways to quit smoking than you can imagine. People have used everything from the trendy to the just plain weird in order to kick the habit. Even though something may seem a little unusual to you, don’t pass it off as if it’s totally out of the question. One of the things to keep in mind is that, many times, pharmaceutical companies won’t rush to tell you about any natural course that can help simply because they can’t make any money off of it. If something seems reasonable to you and you are willing to try it, I suggest you give it a try because quitting smoking is one of the hardest things you can do. Here’s something you might want to try if you’re quitting.

A little-known natural way for those who are quitting smoking is baking soda for nicotine withdrawal. The use of baking soda for various purposes has been around for many years. However, it seems like it can do more than remove stains from clothes and open a clogged drain. It can also ease nicotine withdrawal symptoms if you use it correctly. To get the most benefit from your baking soda nicotine withdrawal, you should drink a mixture of two tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water with each meal. This should help ease the pain associated with quitting.

Of course, using the baking soda nicotine withdrawal method will not be necessary for a long period of time. This is because the effects of being addicted to nicotine only last for three days. Although your efforts to quit smoking will last much longer than this, the physical addiction to cigarettes will be gone by the end of the third day. So, use all the means at your disposal, including the baking soda nicotine withdrawal method, in order to kick the habit. After that point, continue your efforts to maintain your smoking cessation program without the use of baking soda.

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