Bachelor’s Degrees in Florida – Homegrown Undergraduate Education

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With few exceptions, most undergraduate degrees are offered in Florida. Colleges in Florida are generally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Bachelor’s programs are offered in twenty-nine different concentrations. These include everything from art to law to various health and social service titles. A total of 169 universities in Florida offer bachelor’s degree programs in one or more program areas. Of these schools, eight are liberal arts colleges, seventeen are public colleges, sixty-two are private schools, and there are eighty-two professional schools.

Unsurprisingly, there are some degree programs that reflect the area in which they are offered. Several universities offer undergraduate degrees in marine biology, marine architecture, wetlands, and marine resource management. Degrees in environmental biology, energy environment and natural resource law and environmental toxicology and other expected scientific and ecological disciplines are popular and expected.

University students have the best weather options throughout the year. Job opportunities at universities and in surrounding communities are plentiful. Service industry jobs are common. Universities are available in almost every part of the state so students don’t have to go far for a degree program.

Degrees in nursing, business, education, science, math, technology, and the arts are the most common, but some of the more exotic degrees can be earned in Florida. Broadcast journalism, media technology, architecture, and landscape architecture are all bachelor’s degrees offered by Florida schools.

Bachelor’s degrees in Florida offer a good deal for students. The quality of higher education is exceptional. Several Florida schools appear on US News’ Best Colleges list.

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