Are Legal Radar Detectors Ethical?

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Radar detectors have often been a controversial topic. While few states have made them illegal, many people feel they shouldn’t be used on the road. Although much debated, the question remains: are legal radar detectors ethical?

Many people feel that, although it is not necessarily illegal, using a radar detector is unethical. The idea behind this opinion is that these devices are used to circumvent the law. It’s hard to imagine someone needing to use a radar detector for any reason other than to determine the position of police radar guns to avoid detection when accelerating. Because this legal team is most often used to break the law, it is a widely held view that it is a violation of ethics.

The counter argument is that if this device were unethical, it would be illegal. Some believe that if officials thought these devices should not be used, they would work harder to outlaw them. If there is no law prohibiting them, it is often difficult to refrain from using them.

Although many people find this device unethical as it allows them a free pass to exceed the speed limit and cause danger on the road, some people feel that their device helps them keep speed under control. For those with one foot forward, it’s often easy to lose focus and press the gas pedal harder than intended, especially on a long road trip. Hearing the warning beep from an upcoming radar gun can often remind motorists to keep speed down and help them refrain from driving at a dangerous pace.

Many people disagree when it comes to asking “Are legal radar detectors ethical?” There are certainly benefits to using this device, although it may not be in the best interest of drivers on the road. When it comes down to it, the ethical decision really is up to the consumer.

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