Achieve Success: The 20 Ds That Determine Your Success

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The formula to achieve our goals and make our dreams come true is not difficult, nor is it a secret. It implies developing certain attributes and persisting in certain actions much more than acquiring specialized knowledge or developing specific talents. As you will see below, the principles are extremely simple in theory; and fortunately, they apply to anyone and to any goal or dream. To make them even simpler, I have essentially used some simple alliteration to explain each of the principles, attributes, mindset, and actions required to achieve any success. The difficulty is not being aware or understanding these principles, it is implementing them!

Each principle described below explains an attribute, mindset, or action that should be implemented or prevented. Being aware, being able to recognize, being able to avoid, being able to learn, and being able to put into practice each of the following principles is necessary to achieve any goal or dream:


dream big! Visualize your achievement constantly. Recognize that your dreams are entirely possible and that ultimate success is always the result of the initial dream. Make sure your dreams are your dreams, and not the wishes or expectations of others; and then believe in them and do whatever it takes to achieve them.


If the desire is lacking, the motivation to act and the determination to persist will be absent, and the result will always be failure. However, he understands that interest and strong desire are completely different: interest produces action when it is convenient, and strong desire persists in action despite challenges and failures. And the true desire is much more than a hope or a wish; it’s a mindset that translates into power to accomplish amazing things.

Dis to believe

Dreaming big is important, but it’s also useless if you don’t really believe that your dreams are possible and you believe that you are capable of achieving them. Belief is not sure knowledge, it does not eliminate risk, nor does it produce results, but it is absolutely necessary to produce the actions that Dor produce the results that lead to success. You can become and achieve anything, but you must first believe it.

Dto decide

Perhaps one of the biggest secrets needed for success is the ability to decide and then stick with that decision. Often, however, people make and act on decisions that would result in success if pursued, but unfortunately those decisions are rescinded when the going gets tough. Those who are unassertive, idle, insecure, and disengaged must develop the ability to make decisions quickly and confidently, and stick with them.


Anything is possible for the individual who is absolutely determined to achieve his goal. Far more powerful than desire and belief in a goal, fully committing to that goal will ensure that excuses are eliminated, challenges are not defeated, and persistence is the only alternative. Zeal and determination have always contributed much more to success than brains and talent.


To dare is to have courage, to be bold and to take risks. To achieve the most successes and goals, one must be willing to take that risk, get out of their comfort zone, Dor what they don’t want to do or don’t feel comfortable doing, and even willing to fail in the process. And therein lies another secret: that when those inevitable failures occur, one must be willing to dare again by persisting in risk instead of retreating into safety and mediocrity.


No one is unaware that taking such risks involves various dangers, necessary sacrifices and potential failures. Whether it’s wasted money, wasted time, exuded effort, faced embarrassment, missed goals, or experienced failure, it can (and probably will) happen. Recognizing these dangers and trying to avoid them is wise, but facing them is often safe. The challenge is to learn and persist Dlook at these.


The only limitations in life are the ones we create, believe, and nurture within our own minds. Doubts and fears, if heeded, result in a lack of intent; and it is the ability to try and act that produces the confidence necessary to overcome our doubts and fears and achieve any goal. It is vital to remember that doubts and fears reside in everyone; and yet they can be controlled by anyone. Ironically, they are never fully overcome, suggesting the importance of constantly controlling our minds, overcoming our fears, believing in ourselves, and always being willing to try and take action.

Dto declare

Tell yourself that you will succeed. Vocalize your goals DEveryone Speak big to yourself and to everyone. Declare to others what your goals and dreams are. Then shut up and get to work!


Our dreams, our plans, our thoughts, our knowledge and our very words are worthless and do not produce any achievement until they are accompanied by actions. DDaily actions. Too often, people mistakenly think that success is the result of talent, knowledge, money, connections, characteristics, or heredity; honestly, at the base of every success, achievement or goal reached there is a common and necessary principle: hard work!


Discipline is an action that combines commitment and perseverance; because one without the other does not produce the desired achievement. The ability to refrain or take action on something once takes effort, but the ability to put in the same effort consistently until the goal is reached takes discipline. Discipline is doing what you want when you feel least inclined, making time at the most inconvenient times, refraining from doing things no matter what others think or say, and persisting in actions despite difficulty. Success DIt requires continual discipline.

DIs organized

Failures often result not from a lack of skill, effort, or knowledge, but from an inability to set goals, establish a plan, organize, and prioritize daily actions. We’ve all heard the cliche ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. However, effective planning is more than pen and paper, it involves specific short-term and long-term goals, daily actions that are reviewed and committed to, and backup plans due to unavoidable slippage. Perhaps even more importantly, goals and plans must be written down, viewed daily, reviewed frequently, cohesively organized, fully committed, and Daily worked.


Distractions are unavoidable. Along the journey to success, we will experience various and numerous distractions, most of which come in the form of: family fears or priorities, work responsibilities or church and community involvement, hobbies or entertainment, health problems or vacations. , or maybe even other worthwhile goals and activities. Unfortunately, too often people mistakenly blame distraction for their resulting failure, instead of recognizing that the excuse is just a cover-up for their poor response to distraction. persistent Ddespite the distractions is absolutely necessary.


It is vitally important to understand that things never seem to work out as originally planned. You will often find that the initial route, plan, requirements, and time frame you expected were miscalculated. Take comfort in the fact that all those who have achieved their goals and successes have also miscalculated. The challenge is that these detours do not become dead ends, but rather become mere roadblocks that make one person persist and others abandon.


failures happen DDifficulties arise and plans fail. Only those who are willing to fail are the ones who are truly willing to succeed. But, for whatever reason, at the moment of failure we often mistakenly assume that we are personally a failure and therefore give up. Failure is not a person; it is an event that is absolutely necessary for success.

Dit’s encouragement

The great Thomas Edison, perhaps the only person who had every reason to be discouraged after thousands of failed attempts to produce the light bulb, perfectly described what our response should be whenever we experience failure and feel discouraged when he said, “I am not discouraged. , because every wrong attempt Dis carded is another step forward”.


Diligence is continually exerting ourselves mentally and physically, persistently recommitting ourselves, and willingly and consistently taking the necessary actions required to achieve our goals. Diligence is persistence and endurance, the key to any success.

Ddon’t quit

Ddecide now to never give up, no matter how difficult it may be. When those defeats, failures, or personal challenges arise, the natural tendency is to do what most people do: give up, make an excuse, choose another goal, or give up on the dream altogether. Rather, you must learn and pick yourself up after any defeat or temporary failure. Most personal successes in life are usually achieved after an individual determines not to give up when experiencing failure.


Give of your resources, knowledge and time. Note, however, that I didn’t say give if you have – I said give, no matter what you have. Give now, and give always! Don’t assume that later in life, when you have acquired excess wealth, knowledge, and time, you will give it freely: Ddevelop the habit of giving now (the amount is irrelevant compared to the intention). And never forget the inexplicable but true principle that when you give, you always receive (often much more abundantly).


Much more important than any other ‘D’ described on this list is our duty to God and our family. When all is said and done, I think each of us would rather deal with the disappointments of certain failures than the disappointment of certain successes, if those certain successes were achieved at the expense of much higher priorities. God and our family must absolutely be our first priority. Therefore, no goal or achievement in life is as important as becoming a person of integrity, character, and morality. Being a good parent, spouse, friend, or neighbor is much more important than becoming a great businessman, politician, doctor, lawyer, or achieving any other achievement, title, certificate, position, or even a dream in life.

All yours Dhope and DReams are possible! However, your challenge today – and on an ongoing basis – will be to DThey are to think big Ddevelop the ability to believe more, and Ddecide to act now. it is extremely Dyes difficult, but completely DYes!

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