A powerful solution for your belly fat

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Can you imagine the day this doesn’t happen?

You look in the mirror, and there it is: that layer of excess belly fat that has accumulated as a result of eating too poorly and not exercising properly to lose that excess belly fat.

But do you spend at least 90 minutes 5-6 times a week on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical? Good?

And it’s still there

What if I can show you an exercise system that is scientifically proven to lose belly fat faster but in shorter, more efficient workouts?

Scientific research shows that 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HITT) is better than 40 minutes of cardio when it comes to losing belly fat.

What is High Intensity Interval Training?

HIIT (high intensity interval training) is cardio done at a high intensity level so that your body spends the rest of the day burning energy and (belly fat) to recover from the intense workout.

You’ll be burning up to nine times more body fat while sitting on the couch later that night than if you’d spent an hour on the treadmill at a moderate pace.

Make no mistake, this is an intense workout. You will have to push yourself and really challenge yourself. If you are willing to do this, in less time you will lose belly fat and decrease overall body fat.

But you can modify your workouts to your own conditioning level if the true high-intensity workouts are too much.

How High Intensity Interval Training Will Benefit You

It is at least 200% more efficient, if not more. You can get the same or better fitness improvements and fat loss in half the time.

Build fitness in the real world. How many times a week do you climb stairs for 20 seconds? Compare that to how many times you run 30 minutes straight (not including training)? Exactly.

Interval training builds anaerobic and aerobic fitness. Lose belly fat AND gain lean muscle.

Increased cardiovascular capacity.

Interval training gives your metabolism a boost by using much more energy.

And when your body uses more energy, it means you’re burning more calories and losing that belly fat.

There are a few different ways to do interval training. First, a true high intensity interval training workout using Sprints.

Warm up at a comfortable intensity for 5 minutes. Then go all out for 15 to 30 seconds, followed by a 2-minute recovery. You can walk during recovery, or you can just slow it down to a very light jog, depending on your current level of fitness. However, you will most likely exert yourself so much that you need to walk during recovery. Perform 6-10 of these intervals and finish with a cool down.

Here is a list of preferred ways to do your interval training

Running outdoors (and the hills may be the best)

Strongman moves (farmer walks, tire flips, car push)

bodyweight interval circuits


Circuits with bar and/or dumbbells

kettlebell tours

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