7 steps to achieve almost any goal quickly

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Let’s set the record straight. Achieving success is not very easy, but it can be fast if you do a few things right.

If you think you’re going to read about SMART goals or anything remotely close to commonplace, you’re in for a rude awakening. That is not what this article is about. I won’t even talk about goal setting today. In fact, it’s downright crazy to set goals if you can do these seven things.

Ready for something real? So here goes…

  1. Shut up! – Yes, most people who ask me how they can achieve the goal “XYZ” have a problem. They don’t shut up! I’m not saying they talk too much. What they really do is keep talking about “how” they are going to do this or the next and that they have an amazing idea for something, but at the end of the day, these same people do absolutely nothing with their goal. So shut up and read number two.
  2. Great ideas mean nothing if you don’t have this! – Got a great idea? If you are like most people looking for some kind of meaningful success in life, then chances are you are. The problem is this. Most people have ideas. Heck, we all get them, but most ideas are worthless because they’re bad, not because they’re not valuable, but because we ALL have tons of ideas and most of them go to waste. The truth is that you have to take action on your ideas and if you have too many, spend your energy on one at a time. Ideas come and go. The ideas that last are those in which we dedicate time, energy and resources. Think of it this way; Even if all you had your entire life was a single idea that you took action on, that one idea is far more valuable than fifty great ideas that never get attention. The bottom line here is pick an idea, know what you want, and go for it!
  3. Get off your ass! – I’m not the most talented person in the world. Yes, there are many more successful people than me. (So ​​far anyway) However, there are a thousand times more people who get by in life and are exponentially more talented than most. So what makes people like me more successful than the most talented people? The difference is that we get up in the morning and DO something with what we have.
  4. Listen with your ears. – It should come as no surprise that people who are “stuck in life” have a tendency to be “know-it-alls,” even if they aren’t selfish about it. These people, maybe even you, immediately jump to the conclusion that they know everything about a given topic if anything they hear sounds remotely familiar. The end result is that since they don’t listen, they never get the whole picture. They also tend to be exactly the people who believe that they are always missing something in order to be successful. The fact is, for them to be successful, they simply need to listen with an open mind and apply what they learn.
  5. Stop judging success in financial terms. – Yes, money is indeed one of the easiest ways to judge success, however it is a flawed method that most people use to judge a person’s success… including themselves. You see, knowing a financial figure doesn’t tell you how much a person really earns anyway. Ask yourself this: Is that your gross income or is that what you can really take home and spend? Money also does not make a person happy and more fulfilled. Most of the friends I have are richer than me. That’s okay because most of them have marital problems, lovelessness, childlessness, and stress-related health problems as a result of their businesses. Trust me, I love money. I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor and I stay rich! Judging my own success by my finances has only led me down the wrong path! Don’t let this happen to you.
  6. Don’t believe everything you see. – As I said before, most people judge success in financial terms. It is also a known fact that people judge other people based on the car they drive, the clothes they wear, the type of house they own, or their job. I can tell you from first hand experience, most of it is hogwash. Because? That’s because there are so many people who have all of these things who actually live beyond their means. In other words, they may have a nice car or house, but they are one step away from financial disaster. Just because a person wears the best clothes does not mean that he can afford to wear the best clothes. Yes, that rule holds true even for many of your favorite celebrities.
  7. Focus! – It goes without saying that if you focus on what you want, you will have everything you could want. It sounds incredible but it is true. The truth of the matter is that most people never really focus on one main goal in their entire life. That is why most people find it difficult to achieve their goals and live the life they want. We are all pulled in what seems like five directions at once in our lives, but it’s up to us to step back and stay focused on the goal we want to achieve. For example, people find it difficult to part with their friends. When your friends go out to have a good time, you have the choice to go with them and have a good time or to retire and work towards your goals. What would you choose? Before I answer, let me ask you this: When was the last time going out and having a good time helped you succeed? Avoid distractions and have fun in moderation when trying to reach your goals.

There you go. You don’t need a huge list of detailed goals to be successful.

All you need to do is get clear on what you want and follow these seven concepts and watch your dreams unfold!

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