5 Tips for Coaching 8U Softball

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Work within an 8U attention span

Level 8U players can get bored and distracted very easily. Keep them engaged by dividing them into smaller groups. Have coaches work with as few players as possible so that waiting time in line is kept to a minimum. If you don’t mind a parent’s help, ask them to come over and help roll ground balls, throw fly balls, or take care of other simple tasks. This can help move practice forward and keep groups or stations small.

everyone is involved

Make an effort to make your players understand that even if it’s not their turn, you expect them to engage and pay attention. Explain that they can learn by watching their teammates drill. They can also help their peers by cheering them on. Just like in the game, even if it’s not their turn to field or catch the ball, they’re still involved in the game (ie covering a base, letting their teammate know where to throw, etc.). Also make it clear that no one should be talking or playing while waiting in line. You can explain that the practice is similar to school, you don’t talk simply because the focus is on someone else. Nobody should be talking when the coach is talking just like nobody in school is talking when the teacher is talking.

Take away the fear factor

Many players in the 8U division will learn many of the skills you teach for the first time. This obviously means that they may not be able to perform certain skills correctly, for example catching a thrown ball. If a player of this age is hit with a ball that he is trying to catch, he may be afraid to catch it. If you’ve ever seen a frightened player trying to catch a ball, you know it’s not likely. The shy ones move away from the ball, turn their heads or close their eyes. None of these actions will help them get better at receiving. Help them stop doing these things by taking away the “fear factor.” You can do this using wiffle balls or even crumpled up paper balls until the player feels confident in his own ability to catch a ball. An added bonus is the fact that a wiffle or paper ball often moves in flight. It does not travel in as straight a path as a normal softball. Therefore, if a player can learn to catch a curved paper or wavy ball, catching a softball traveling in a straighter path should be relatively simple for them.

Deck Basics

He covers the basics over and over and over and over and over again. I think you get the idea. If a player doesn’t learn anything else this season, he should at least learn good shooting and/or fielding mechanics. I say “or” because everyone has a different learning curve and you might have that one player who, for whatever reason, masters skills at a much slower rate than usual. Fundamentals are also the basic building blocks that these players will turn to again and again throughout their career if they start to struggle with a particular skill. If they never learn these fundamentals, they will have no idea how to “get back on track” later in their career when they need to.

Have fun – this is not the Olympics

Last but not least, players this age will play because it’s fun, not because they see they’re the best in the league. Never underestimate the importance of enjoying the game. It’s what keeps players coming back season after season, year after year. Keep the softball fire burning by making practice and game experiences fun!

for help on Keeping Softball Fun ~don’t forget to check out the eBook at All About Fastpitch.

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