5 Easy Ways to Last Longer in Bed (Highly Effective)

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If you want to know some easy ways to last longer in bed, you have come to the right place.

Next, I am going to share with you some very simple strategies and techniques to help men even in the most serious cases of premature ejaculation.

Now pay attention, because what you are about to learn is highly effective…

1 – Become sensitive to pleasure

During sex, begin to notice and pay attention to how close you are to orgasm. That way, when you start to get closer to orgasm, you can take corrective action and prevent it (using the strategies in this article), instead of doing what most men do and keep doing what they’re doing at the same rate until you reach orgasm. It’s too late.

2 – Use tactical stance change

A great way to harness pleasure sensitivity is to use the tactical stance switch. When you are close to orgasm simply change position. When you change positions, you have the opportunity to withdraw your penis from her, which gives you a little break in the stimulation. This break can help you get your energy back so you’re ready to keep going for longer.

3 – Go for a deep thrust

When you push deep inside your woman, you do something very effective in helping you last longer in bed; you keep the most sensitive part of your penis (the end) away from the most stimulating part of her vagina (the entrance). By keeping these two separate, you reduce your overall stimulation, meaning you can last longer before orgasm. However, you can keep pushing in and out an inch or two, to keep the pleasure to herself.

4 – Use a standing position

One of the easy ways to last longer in bed is to use a standing position. You’ll find that it’s easier to last longer in a standing position, because you have to expend energy and focus on other parts of your body besides pushing. When you stand up, blood will have to flow to your legs to keep you in position and all this energy that is drawn from your penis is very effective in helping you last longer in bed.

5 – Urine before sex

Having a full bladder can promote premature ejaculation. So one of the easy ways to last longer in bed is to urinate before having sex. This empties your bladder, which means the pressure on your genitals is reduced, so lasting longer in bed becomes easier.

So, there are 5 easy ways to last longer in bed that are highly effective. I recommend you put them to work tonight.

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