5 Constant Obstacles to Knowing God’s Will and How to Stay Free

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To know God’s will for your life, five obstacles can arise and trap you again and again, if you don’t know how to free yourself and stay free. What are they?

  1. Your plans: If you already have a 5 or 10 year plan for your life: graduate from college, meet the man/woman of my dreams, get a great job in my field, buy a house, have 2.3 kids, etc. then you are not discerning. You have already decided. If you want to know God’s will, then you have to be ready to put those plans aside and ask the Father, “What do you want?” And as crazy as the answer may seem, remember this: Nothing will make you happy than the will of God. He knows you better than you know yourself. Trust him.
  2. The plans of others for your life.: Has anyone else already decided for you that you are going to be an engineer, doctor, lawyer? Are you inundated with a bunch of free advice? Well, that’s fine, but it may not be God’s will for you. It may not be what will make you come alive. To do? First of all, be silent about your discernment. The more you let people know that you’re trying to figure things out, the more they’ll try to give you advice. Only your Creator knows your vocation, and he will only tell one other person: you.
  3. ghosts in your closet: Do you have some problems in your past that prevent you from seeing or experiencing the beauty of marriage or consecration? It doesn’t matter if it’s about abuse, a dysfunctional family, or past sins, these ghosts can haunt you until you confront them. Your best bet? Spend time with healthy, holy and balanced families. like in the movie Pretty. She can also help with confession, spend time in Eucharistic adoration, and increase your devotion to Mary and Joseph.
  4. Stress: Do you have a lot to do and very little time? Are you sacrificing your health, your family, your prayer life to achieve something at work or school? Maybe now is the time to simplify. God speaks in peace and silence. To regain balance in his life, he decides what his needs are and what can and should hit the road.
  5. Entertainment: How much time do you spend with your iPod, cell phone, TV, computer, Twitter, Facebook and everything else? One of the easiest and simplest ways to get your discernment back on track is to take more time for silence. Consider limiting or even “fasting” from all this technology in order to have more time for God.

That’s a lot I know, and I don’t expect you to. do it all at oncebut I suggest that you take them one by one, reflect on them, meditate on the truths that are there, and put them into practice one by one… Ok, if you are crazy and want to do them all at once, Go for it! Who am I to stop you?

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