3 reasons to choose a good diet for cats

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When you think about your cat’s diet, do you think that whatever food they eat must be good?

While it is true that cats will often gobble up things we consider junk food, that doesn’t mean that you should eat things we consider junk food, it doesn’t mean that you should feed EED themeline feeding diet.

Often times, the cheapest cat food has ingredients that are not safe, filled with toxic preservatives, humectants, and flavoring agents to entice the cat to eat it.

You may be saving money in the short term, the goal to be set for high vet bills in the long run, and also creating serious bread and discomfort for your furry companion.

After all, they are an important member of your family. Cats are known as healers, and they often “have” different ways “of” sharing “their” affection.

3‌ ‌reasons‌ ‌to‌ ‌choose‌ ‌a‌ ‌ healthy‌ ‌ cat‌ ‌ diet‌ ‌

Cats, ‌ ‌like‌ ‌humans, ‌ ‌no‌ ‌ thrive‌ ‌on‌ ‌a‌ ‌ fast food, ‌ ‌high‌ ‌carbohydrate, kibble‌ ‌diet.‌ ‌

If they eat the wrong diet for cats, they can fall victim to arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, obesity, and obesity.

The only difference between us and felines is that once they live in captivity, they have very little control over their diet. Cats trust us to provide them with healthy food, especially when they live indoors.

Cats are natural predators … their diet has to mimic that fact, so here are three reasons to choose a good cat diet that will extend the life of your pet.

1. Dental health

Like humans, many health complications arise in domestic cats with poor dental hygiene.

Your cat may have bad breath, which is unpleasant, but the infections that can cause halitosis can be much more serious than you think for his immune system and overall health.

Kittens lose their baby teeth between four and six months. During that time, there are spaces in the mouth that are magnets of bacteria.

You will probably go to the dentist regularly to make sure your teeth and gums are in good shape.

But how does your cat maintain its oral health? They need good quality food and treats that help remove plaque and stimulate their gums to keep their teeth strong and their mouth clean.

2. Cats are carnivores

Like it or not, your cat is a hunter, a predator, a carnivore. They will never do well on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

So while you may have opted to eliminate meat from your diet and have replaced protein with beans, meat alternatives, and supplements, your cat needs animal protein.

It is a source of a vital amino acid, taurine, which helps build strong muscles, including the heart.

Fish-based cat food can work well – it’s loaded with Omega fatty acids that feed your feline’s body … and is tailored to its digestive system. However, most fish have been contaminated with heavy metals and other nasty toxins or parasites, and they are very unhealthy. Offering fish as an occasional treat to a healthy cat should be fine, but watch out for a consistent diet.

Avoid foods that have an excess of fillers, such as wheat and barley. They may fill your cat’s belly, but they won’t provide the protein it needs for healthy development. And they can lead to obesity and diabetes and many other problems.

Also, cats are naturally designed to hunt and eat their prey raw, which has not been baked in an oven or processed over high heat in a can. Creatures of prey have blood, moisture (water) and partially digested food in their intestines, bones and organs and much more.

When deciding what to feed your kitty, choose high-quality wet food, not dry cardboard kibble. Some cats do quite well on quality wet food, and others do better on raw food.

3. Cats need hydration

There is nothing wrong with feeding your feline a dry food diet from time to time as a treat or topping. It’s easier to store, generally less expensive, and has more ingredient options to suit your cat’s palate.

But remember, they also need quick access to water and can be overloaded with carbohydrates, just like we can … so follow the directions on the package and pay attention to your kitty’s needs.

On the other hand, the wrong wet food can deprive your cat of the forage it needs to keep its digestive system running smoothly. You will often see cats and dogs outside eating grass … they are just trying to get their guts working again so they can clean their insides.

If you have an indoor cat, consider keeping cat grass (or adding some other source of fiber to their food) which will help keep their digestive tract on track.

Your cat can’t go to the supermarket

Your cat has basic dietary needs … and then they develop their own tastes, just like children. In fact, there is a phase as they get older where they learn what is good to eat and what is not good to eat, and after that it can be quite difficult to change your mind about what is acceptable and what is not.

However, unlike your children, who will grow up and be able to shop on their own and satisfy their taste buds and hopefully make wise dietary decisions …

Your cat cannot do the same. It is up to you to communicate with them, explain why various foods are good for them and why some are not, and then meet their dietary needs.

You might think that good quality food is too expensive, too hard to research the alternatives …

… but think about the pain you could put your fellow cat through if he ends up with kidney stones, ulcers, or abdominal cancer because he has overloaded his body with toxic food.

Cats are designed to hunt and eat small chunks during the day, but free grazing (eating when they please) with poor quality kibble is a bad idea. Smaller and more nutritious wet foods make for a healthier and longer life for a kitten.

It would be helpful to be able to talk to your cat and find out what suits his palate, what meets his nutritional needs, and what makes him sick or painful.

Remember, your cat goes through phases of growth, just like we do. Food that suits them at six months will not keep them fit when they are five … or ten, or twenty.

You can prepare your cat for a long, healthy life without stressful visits to a veterinary clinic by feeding him a diet of quality cat food.

For more information on feline health, please contact us.

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