Category: Shopping Product Reviews

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Common mistakes when developing mobile applications

If someone asks me to describe mobile development, I’d say it’s the process of making por

How do you do so much?

I’m sure we’ve all had times when we’ve stared in amazement and wondered, perhaps o

How to interact with customers on the most used social networks

First of all, things change over time and the way we use social media is no exception. Younger genera

Main features for your Facebook fan page

Facebook provides businesses with some unbeatable branding opportunities, along with endless potentia

If you can bowl a hook pin, you can really start bowling!

Ever wonder why people say it’s so important to learn how to throw a bowling hook? Many people

Why did the first coup in Nigeria fail?

The first blow in Nigeria is not news to the Nigerian citizen. Planned by a group of army officers, i

Apple’s hostility to Adobe products: the impact on websites

As a web designer/developer, search engine optimization specialist, and website manager and superviso

Social networks and music: MySpace brings it all together in a virtual community

Today’s music fan interacts with a “community” that is much larger than anyone imag

Installing Vinyl Replacement Sliding Glass Doors

Last week I told you how to remove your old sliding glass door in preparation for installing your vin

SEO meanings

As with most things, computer language has a language of its own. When you create a website, you will