Category: Arts Entertainments

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Ten essential things to do when visiting Jamaica

This verdant jewel basking in the warm blue waters of the Caribbean is a great place to enjoy exotic

How Vietnamese International Schools Are Failing Millennial Teens

The tension between the traditional attitudes of Asian parents and the reality faced by today’s

The rhythm of the bass in the hip-hop scene

When it comes to the hip-hop scene, vocalization takes center stage. Drums, guitars, brass, and even

Movie reviews for the fighter

The Wrestler is a harrowing story of many wrestlers from across the world of the professional wrestli

What is your real value?

Consider this. If it is possible to list him as a person on the stock market, what would his real val

Personalized Hip Hop Jewelry: The Origins of Hip Hop Style and Expression in Jewelry

Personalized hip hop jewelry is the ultimate expression of hip hop style because it really is about p

Impact Rookies – Offense

(This is the first of a two-part series focusing on the top six offensive and defensive rookies who w

Brainstorming Rules

How will you react the next time your boss takes you on an impromptu brainstorming session? Hopefully

Let the teacher come to Ghana

David Barney came to tell Kwame Mainu that cocaine had been found in the second fertility doll discov

Benefits of music for the elderly

It is generally recognized that musical activity can have beneficial results for the elderly. These b