The benefits of having a futon

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Are you looking to buy furniture for your home? Whether it’s for the living room, den, den, extra bedroom, or guest bedroom, here’s what you need to know about buying futons.

Futons are comfortable, versatile, and lighter than regular sofas. They can also be used in multiple ways: as a regular sofa and also as a bed, making them optimal for small spaces. It is usually made of a wooden or metal frame that can be positioned to sit as a sofa or lie down as a bed. That is why they are also called sofa beds.

Futon mattresses are one-piece mattresses that are collapsible and can be folded flat to create the bottom and back cushion for a futon sofa. Today’s futon mattresses were inspired by traditional Japanese beds: flat beds with flexible mattresses that could be easily folded up and stowed away during the day to allow rooms to be used in another way. It is even thought that the first futons were made by samurai who were unable to master their sword skills.

Futon mattress sizes. Western-style futon mattresses are typically 8 to 10 inches thick with foam cores to mimic regular mattresses, unlike typical Japanese mattresses. Mattresses generally come in single, semi-double, and double sizes.

futon covers Apart from futons being extremely useful because they can be used as a bed as well as a sofa, futon covers are also a nice bonus. They cover the mattresses to protect the cushion. They come in a variety of materials like cloth, leather, and microfiber, as well as designs that are easy to wash and replace in the washing machine. Changing your futon covers can give you a new look and give your living room a new look, much easier than buying a new sofa and reupholstering it.

Futon chairs are similar to sofas, but the futon mattress and seat frame are just one. The frame will extend like a recliner chair and some will even convert to a double bed.

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