Month: May 2021

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If you need to lose weight fast, here are some tips and suggestions to maybe flatten your belly

There are numerous approaches to individual weight loss goals. Losing too much weight too quickly, or

Metaphors: how to use them when writing

Everyone uses metaphors. Justly. They are a natural way to illustrate. However, if you use them wrong

Ten million children die

Global problems like poverty are extremely complex. There is no simple and clear answer. I have spoke

How to prevent your Blue Heeler puppy from biting

Blue Heelers come from a long line of Australian Cattle Dogs. In fact, many would find it interesting

Should you get a reverse mortgage or HELOC line of credit?

The number of financial products available to older homeowners is growing. Access to home loans, line

Next-gen consoles: the good, the bad … and then there’s Wii

3 companies 3 new consoles: each has the potential to be ‘the next big thing’ The good ne

Fantasy sports grow from pastime to future of sports

Gone are the days when fantasy sports used to be a casual hobby for sports fans. This sports format i

Hotels and Tourist Points in Santa Fe

The capital of New Mexico is Santa Fe, and it is the fourth largest city in the state of Santa Fe Cou

Do whales have a belly button? Answers to 10 weird questions about whales

Do whales have a belly button? They sure do! Whales, like humans, are mammals and give birth to live

The 10 best budget smartphones for 2015

With Android and iOS dominating the smartphone operating system market; HTC, Motorola, Samsung, and o