The Poltergeist effect

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I had an epiphany last night. There I was, sitting in my lair, worrying unhappily about circumstances over which I had no control. It’s been a while since I’ve been in that state of mind, but I was still working furiously on other people’s problems. The more I thought about these issues, the more I became agitated. It was when I began frantically searching for the lost TV remote and subsequently tipped over a glass (which broke into a trillion pieces, of course) that I had my epiphany. I realized that it was not just my clumsiness that caused the glass to break, but the power of my negative thought energy that was to blame. Without realizing it, I stumbled upon what I now call the “poltergeist effect.”

All of this probably sounds a little far off and “New Age” and, perhaps, it is. But the more he reflected on the subject, the more sense it made. All my pent-up agitation had manifested itself physically. As I progressed along that line of thinking, looking back, wrongdoing, and failing, it became even clearer that most of the bumps and bruises (so to speak) in my life were caused by my own state of mind. cheer up.

Almost everyone has seen a movie or heard about poltergeists. The word “poltergeist”, translated from its Germanic origins, means to strike (polter) ghost (geist). These entities are generally described as annoying and mischievous spirits that make noises, create disturbances, and even throw objects and break them. They are considered destructive and disruptive. The buzzwords here are “destructive” and “disturbing”.

There is an astonishing amount of literature available on poltergeists. According to most “experts” in this field, poltergeists should not be confused with ghosts, nor should their activities be mistaken for possessions and / or ghosts. There are some differences between the two:

. A ghost is usually the spirit of a deceased person. Poltergeist activity revolves around living things.

. Ghosts usually appear only in places that were once familiar to the deceased. Poltergeists appear around people anytime, anywhere.

. The stalking of a ghost is continuous and generally in the same areas. Poltergeist activity builds to a climax and then starts again and can happen anywhere.

. Ghosts are not violent by nature. A poltergeist can inflict both physical and mental trauma.

Most researchers on this topic agree that the majority of recorded poltergeist activities revolve around personalities with mental disorders such as hysteria and schizophrenia, or emotional problems such as anger and anxiety. A few cases were observed in which psychological therapy appeared to “exorcise” the poltergeist once the patient’s emotional problems were addressed. Other experts in the paranormal believe that poltergeist activity is actually a form of psycho kinesis (PK). PK is a paranormal occurrence that manifests itself when electrical energy within a person is involuntarily discharged. This “discharge” causes the destruction and / or inexplicable movement of inanimate objects. Paranormal, of course, is a blanket term that covers everything from UFO sightings to ghosts and anything else that cannot be scientifically explained.

Remember Uri Gellar and the spoon-bending craze of the seventies and eighties? Mr. Gellar is what is called a “paranormalist” and achieved a high level of celebrity status beginning with his technique of bending spoons in “the day”. This technique is something that he is apparently capable of teaching almost anyone with the attention span whatsoever. According to its precepts, it is simply a matter of imagining your energy as something physical, then harnessing it and projecting it.

I am not a physicist. He is not a doctor. He is not a psychiatrist. But if the memory does not work well for me, the energy cannot “not be created”. Obviously, when you are stressed or under tension there is a release of energy that causes physical deterioration in the body. Ulcers, heart attacks, high blood pressure are all manifestations of mental stress or spiritual distress. When you are stressed or angry, the capillaries in your body contract and interfere with the flow of blood in your system. The heart begins to beat faster to compensate. I’ve seen people with saliva coming out of their mouths who were so upset about something. I myself have been so moved with anger that I could not get a key in the door.

When you are really upset, your body needs to discharge some of that pent up energy and you tend to drive faster, rush people, hit the wall with your fist. Everything seems to suddenly go wrong or take forever. Your adrenal acorns start to pump. He may be quick to curse anything and everyone who gets in his way. The slightest thing could make you nervous. You get tense. Your muscles contract. Your eyes swell in their sockets. Your face turns red and you feel flushed. You yell at people, usually your family or friends.

Come in, my “poltergeist effect” theory. You are manifesting a poltergeist type energy that is expelled outwards wreaking havoc on your environment. You are sending heat waves. Energy. When I broke the glass in a state of agitation, I think it was my inner energy, undirected, flowing and creating “naughty” physical energy. It is the vibration of this energy that causes the glasses to crash to the ground.

Imagine this. What if you could follow someone and videotape them while they’re in a total frenzy and having a breakdown? Then review the video by deleting that person. What do you think you would see? You would see objects flying everywhere. You would hear doors slamming. China is being crushed. You would hear loud and disturbing noises. People and things would be torn down. You might think you were watching a video about paranormal poltergeist activity.

Following this premise, negative thoughts turn into energy that causes (re) actions. That pulse of adrenaline when you are angry or scared manifests and alters your environment leaving you weak, shaky and exhausted. Something like a dead battery. You have exhausted some internal reserve of energy when you project your poltergeist self.

So what would be the opposite of this poltergeist energy? Happy thoughts don’t project such obvious and malevolent energy. But while laughter doesn’t harden the arteries, it also doesn’t physically manifest itself and says, pick a rose for yourself either. Perhaps the output of positive energy is more fluid, more subtle, and more diffuse. Could it be that a smile or a caress carries as much power, or more, but with less drama?

When you are happy, you are in harmony with yourself and with your surroundings. There are no grimaces, jerky, jerky and sometimes destructive movements. If you could videotape the same person, whom we imagine earlier enraged, while in a positive state of mind, what would a similarly manipulated video show? You will probably see objects move, but in a smooth, orderly, and reasonable way. There would be a flow and a pattern in the overall picture.

Everyone has heard the old adage that “laughter is the best medicine.” Just look at Joan Rivers. I’m still alive and kicking, or should I say, still alive and laughing! Being serene is medicinal in itself. On the other hand, how many people do you know who are taking yogi lessons to relieve stress? Or take anger management courses? Anger upsets you in more ways than one. And it definitely impacts your environment.

The night I had my epiphany and broke the glass, I could feel that things were waiting to go wrong. I could feel the vibration of all that negative energy starting to build up. I took several deep breaths and decided to change my mind right then and there. I affirmed to myself that it was completely in my power NOT to allow those outside influences to bother me. I made a conscious decision to maintain harmony between my home and myself and not allow ourselves to be disturbed.

I know my little poltergeist theory sounds far-fetched and maybe a little giddy, yet how many times have you felt “bad vibes”? Maybe those “vibes” are coming from your little “hitting ghost.” They could even be considered a kind of warning. If you are one of those who have trouble managing anger and dealing with pressure, you could possibly save a lot of money by doing creative self-therapy on your own.

Try imagining those upsetting and disturbing feelings as the beginning of some nasty little entity dying to get out there and kick butt in your life. Are you really going to let that happen? Are you going to let an amorphous mass make a fool of you and harm your family or friends? Hell no! You are going to control yourself and your environment. You are going to visualize yourself in control and not at the mercy of some ghostly little aspirant. You are going to name your demon and then you are going to expel him. “I hear you play …”

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