Restore your foreskin with this basic penis enlargement exercise for beginners

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In the 1970s, most American male babies were circumcised. In this day and age, the number of American male babies who are circumcised is significantly less. If you are circumcised and wondering if you can restore your foreskin in some way, then you are not alone. Many circumcised men wonder the same thing. While you’ve likely never heard of this before due to how accepted and expected circumcision was in the past, people are more open-minded now. In both the social and medical fields, for example, there is nothing wrong or unhygienic about not cutting yourself or being circumcised.

So how can you restore your foreskin without the use of expensive surgery? Also, what are the benefits of following a basic penis enlargement exercise to restore that foreskin?

With the basic penis enlargement exercise mentioned below, you can create a new penis skin hood that can cover the head of your penis and return it to its original shape. While it is not possible to regain your original foreskin from when you were younger, you can still enjoy several benefits from restoring your foreskin with this basic long-term penis enlargement exercise. Here are some of those benefits:

1. Since the head of your penis will be covered by skin again, you no longer have to feel the fabric of your underwear rubbing against it. This means that maximum sensitivity of your penis will be maintained. Your penis will also not get too dry, as it will no longer be too exposed to air as a circumcised penis usually is.

2. Both masturbation and sex will be much more pleasant for you since the new skin that will cover your penis will give you more “slack”. With this new skin, your penis will also be able to slide more pleasantly and more freely during intercourse.

3. It will be much easier to do a basic penis enlargement exercise with this new skin since, as mentioned above, your new skin will make it easier for you to slide it up and down. Since it will be easier to do dry and wet jelqs with this skin, you will be able to increase your penis size much faster and many more inches to boot.

Here is a basic penis enlargement exercise you can do:

1. Gently massage your penis until you have a full erection.

2. Perform 30 to 50 PC muscle contractions to send more blood to the penis. This will help you get the strongest erection possible.

3. Firmly grasp your skin at the base of your penis with an OK sign and then slide the OK sign up along the shaft of your penis without letting go of the area of ​​skin that you were grasping from the beginning. In other words, don’t move your hand over the skin of the penis. Once your skin begins to feel very stretched, hold the position until you begin to lose your erection or for up to 10 seconds, whichever comes first.

4. Repeat all the above steps and do the exercises for about ten minutes a day. When it comes to the last 5 reps, try to stretch your penis a little more, so that you really pull the skin towards the head of your penis as hard as possible. However, this shouldn’t hurt in any way.

Ideally, you should do this basic penis enlargement exercise every day. In two weeks, you will start to see new skin develop on your penis.

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