How to take care of your skateboard

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Skateboards are tough, but they take a lot of knocks. Without proper care, they can deteriorate, making them unsafe for use. To keep your skateboard in good working order, please read the following tips to care for your skateboard.

1: Keep bearings clean and lubricated

Ball bearings are the heart of your skateboard. They keep the wheels running smoothly. Make sure that every time you finish skating you clean and lubricate the bearings. This can be done by first cleaning the wheels and bearings of any dirt or gravel, and then applying lubricant. You can do this without having to remove the bearings. However, to thoroughly clean and lubricate your skateboard’s bearings, it’s best to remove them. Have some rags or paper towels handy as this will be a messy job, then remove the bearings. Next, take some lubricant that is designed for bearings and does not leave a residue, shake it well, and then run the lubricant over the bearing. There is likely to be a lot of dirty black residue coming out of the bearing, which is a good thing. Use plenty of lubricant to clean and lubricate the bearings, making sure to do it on both sides. When the bearings are clean, wipe off any excess lubricant and put them back on your skateboard wheels.

2: Learn how your board is built

Take the time to learn how your skateboard is built, so you have a better working knowledge of your board. Learning how your board is built will also help you troubleshoot any potential issues that come up. Knowing how your board is built will also mean you can easily replace any part when needed. Installing replacement parts is much more cost effective than having to find the money to buy a whole new board and can be purchased at most local skate shops or online skate shops.

3: Take care of the cover

After every skating session, check the deck cover for signs of wear. Be sure to clean off any dirt and debris and if it has gotten wet in any way, be sure to dry it off. Do not leave your board in wet conditions as this can split and damage the deck. Small repairs can be done easily, but if your deck shows signs of splitting or has cracks that are too big to repair, then it’s time to replace it. Skateboard decks and shoes can be purchased at specialty skateboarding stores. One of the ways splitting and cracking occurs is through improper foot placement, so be sure to use the correct skating techniques to prolong the life of your deck. Waxing the deck can also help extend its life, but be careful that it is properly cushioned as you don’t want your skateboard’s deck area to become slippery anyway. For stubborn stains or marks, use soapy water. If soapy water doesn’t work, apply some mineral spirits to a clean rag, then rub over the stained area as vigorously as possible. This should keep your terrace looking good for a long time.

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