How to comment on DotA

If you think you are seeing too many DotA comments and bored / sick / tired of the commenter’s accent and whatever, you can easily create your own DotA comments and upload them to YouTube or other video sharing websites. It’s very easy and you should believe me.

This page will teach you how to make DotA comment video very easily.

To sum it all up shortly. There are a few steps to do this.

1. Look for good repeats of DotA
2. Analyze repetition
3. Recording
4. Edition
5. Representation
6. Going up

Look for good repeats of DotA
It is very important to look for a good repeating of DotA. If replay doesn’t have exciting gank fights / team fights / turning points then worry no more about them. Typically what I will do is see what competitions are currently taking place (ADC, WCG, etc), usually highly competitive competition has a lot of good replays that are freely distributed.

Replay analysis
Before doing the actual recording, I think it is necessary to know when is the first blood / team fights / gankings /. It’s really bad to miss the first blood. It is not necessary to see the entire replay, but it is important to know when to switch screens. If you’re missing a lot of kills, your viewers won’t be so happy about it. A good software to use here is DotA Replay Manager, which practically saves you time to watch the entire replay. Look it up on Google and you can easily find it online.

Recording is the most important part. There are several programs (for example, ViewletCam
Camtasia Studio, Fraps) online that allows you to record your screen. The one I am using is Fraps. No matter what software you use, they all have good avi file output. I recommend setting the fps to 15 or 20 with half the size. From my personal experience, 15fps (half the size) will output a 4GB file for 20 minutes. I suggest you get at least 20GB just for the recording part because Fraps really does make a good quality file that is huge. 15fps (full size) will output a 4GB file every 10 minutes or less. If you are using this setup, I think you get at least 50GB of free disk space.

Before doing the recording, it is necessary to do some research on both teams, especially which player is in which role. During comment, there is no fixed way to comment. Here are some tips. Always comment on the following things, lineups, creep kills (carry), item construction, skill launch sequence, dodge fog, protection and much more to find out for yourself.

Editing / Rendering
It’s a painful process for me, especially the rendering part that usually takes up to half an hour. There are also a plethora of video editing software, some are free and some must be purchased. I will just name a few that you want to try. Microsoft Movie Editor, Sony Vegas, Adobe Pr, Adobe After Effect. Any compression software to try, WinAVI Video Converter, Easy RealMedia Tools Sorenson Squeezeï¼ ?? VP6, FFmpeg. You can find respective tutorials of different video editing software and manuals for compression software online, so I will not talk about how to use them. One important thing I must say is that you try to balance quality and file size.

Going up
There are tons of free online video sharing websites. YouTube is one of the most popular, but not the only one. I suggest you try different sharing websites before installing one.

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