Category: Health Fitness

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A 4 week abs workout routine and a well defined abs diet

What is the best abs workout? It takes dedication and tenacity to maintain your abs workout routine.

Type 2 diabetes: diabetes medications and their effect on blood fat levels

Researchers at the Shiga University of Medical Sciences in Shiga Prefecture, Japan, found that taking

Jogging until boredom

Let’s face it, some of us are really sick of doing our traditional, standard cardio routine on

Variety in triathlon training can help you lose weight

Training and competing in a triathlon is a great way to help you lose weight. A triathlon consists of

Protein Power: How Much Is Ideal To Maximize Muscle Gains?

How much protein do I need each day to see results? How Much Protein is Too Much? And how many grams

Some science-based benefits of standing desks

People who sit a lot will definitely have a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and premature dea

What I hate about the fitness industry and what is the best form of exercise for you

There is one thing I can’t stand about the fitness industry: It’s full of bitches. (Ironi

Calories in Swimming: How Many Calories Does Swimming Burn Compared to Other Cardio Exercises?

When comparing exercises or activities in terms of how many calories are burned, you are actually won

13 tips to help you lose weight in the new year

Analyzing information about weight loss can seem like a confusing task. There are so many ideas, plan

Rhythm training with kettlebells

Every time you do a series of repetitions, you are following a certain tempo. If asked at what rate t