3 reasons why you should learn judo to defend yourself

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There are many different martial arts that you can train in. In the past, the most common practices were kung fu, karate, taekwondo, and similar options. With the rise of MMA fighters and the popularity of events coming up within the fighting world, many are beginning to look for a variety of different solutions like the way forward with self defense and more. With that in mind, you may want to see some options that suit your needs, but one of them should be judo. There are a number of reasons this is a good option to learn to cope with, but honestly, you can narrow them down to 3 complete reasons.

Learn body movement (momentum)

There are several elements that you will learn with Judo. However, the main focus is on the movements of the body. What that means is that the goal is to use the momentum and body weight of others to subdue them for defense. When someone moves against, they try to hit you, the goal is not to be offensive, but defensive, and Judo allows it. Of course, there are other approaches here, but the main focal point is within the framework of pushing and using body changes, without having to use your own strength.

Balancing factors

Judo teaches balance above many other things. For skaters, surfers and those who play action sports, training in this martial art becomes something important. You see, when you work within this element of defense, you will learn to have a posture that allows you to move people on your body and to use your own muscular system to create incredible defense mechanisms. This is done without having to strike, without being proactive, but reactive. Your balance will improve, and if you are a fan of action sports, you will see your balance go through the roof as a result. You will also learn to control the muscles in your shoulders, arms, legs, and hips.

Anyone can learn judo

Perhaps the best thing about learning self defense, specifically Judo, is that anyone can learn. You can be in a wheelchair, you can be an old woman, you can be a young man or a woman of any shape, size, and even children. All of these individuals can learn to defend themselves with this type of form. It is intended to help anyone learn the techniques of peaceful defense and fighting, without having to go just with punches, kicks, and offenses that you may think of when considering martial arts.

As for a peaceful, focused and energy-based solution, Judo is difficult to compare with others. It is a solution that you will undoubtedly want to explore as one of the best options to learn to defend.

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